Shivering fingers, keys of keyboard gives an ice cube tray type sensation, every now and then rubbing hands to be able to type more, and again and again thinking why am I doing this. What else to do on these chilly and windy days of Delhi when stepping out of home is the toughest task to handle in this Dilli Ki Sardee days, just be nostalgic and write about the good old warm days of Pushkar Fair.
November is the month when winters knocks on the doors of Northern part of India, and by the time it is December that knocking would have almost settled itself in your home like an unwanted guest. First week of November this year was dedicated to Pushkar Fair, it would be chilly there this was the assumption and the suggestion also to Paul Warneke of One Dusty Camel of me, but it was going to be such a nose dive situation I never imagined.
Previous day had gone in Traveling from Delhi to Pushkar and the only lovely sight was the Sunset at Ajmer. Fingers were crossed for the next day, eagerly waiting to have the sight of herds of Camels and the ruler of them, The Herders for which this Pushkar Fair is famous world over.
Sun was shining on the window, loud music of pilgrims coming to Brahma Sarovar had started and I was still on bed, had slept very soundly i guess in that filthy room, yes this time I had booked really a filthy room which nowhere in standards of even calling a room of a Hotel, but mistake had been done, and now was the time to live with it and move out for what we have come to Pushkar Fair, CAMELS CAMELS and CAMELS.

By the time I left my room it was almost 10 AM, could feel the sun exactly perpendicular to me, suddenly earth had tilted more I guess and was planning to roast me. First sign of scorching heat of Pushkar Fair was not far away, just a minute walk I had already stopped to buy a bottle of water and was the right time to take out my greedy camera too, a lady had already felt the heat and to save herself from being roasted more was quenching her thirst drinking water from the Hand pump.

Moving forward, streets were laiden with yellow mary gold flower petals, pilgrims had passed from there and the people from the balcony of their homes were throwing petals on them. In the back of mind I could imagine the scene of Holi in Bersana village near the Vrindawan Nagri of Lord Krishna, where ladies throw color and colored water over the “Toli of Gopalas” who pass from there asking for color from the Gopiyan.
Jam packed right in front of Brahma sarovar, again the flower petals started pouring in and this time some water also came, but not like Holi, I guess it was just some purification therapy which the ladies did by sprinkling some pious drops of water. Now was the time to keep my camera back to pavillion, for one shot I can,t take risk of camera life.

The main ground of Pushkar fair was not far now, spread in acres, lakhs of people had come to that place, everybody walking here and there looking for something, but that something was still unknown. Confused and drenched in sweat search for camels was on, and so was camera now. Once again sun had shown his harshness, it was not me only even the locals of Rajasthan who were feeling the heat, some ladies of Rajasthan which I could make out from their colorful attire and those lovely “Ghaghra Choli and bright big silver bangles and Anklets” were giving the signals of their root, they were enjoying the cool ice cream to beat the heat. On the way I had realized that people were shy to be clicked so I prefered to go for a full zoom and capture the moments, which I love the most.
Wife had already shown the signs of panic due to the heat, could see the face of her and I was making myself ready to face the anger of wife and Sun both. Don’t know why nobody was able to tell the way of place where the herds of Camel were sitting, its the face of Pushkar Fair, its the pictures of camels which pops out first when somebody Googles “Pushkar Fair”, but unfortunately camels doesn’t have any GPS from which I could locate them, One wrong turn will end up in the other end of the Pushkar fair ground, and SAME thing happened with me, I was at someother side where there was no signs of Camel.
Finally it was the wise move to atleast hire a Camel cart and have a full round of Pushkar Fair, infact no other option I could see, One Wise Suggestion For ALL ” who would like to hear some loud words in public from a wife, avoid that situation, foresee the breakaway point where the limit of patience is going to cross and follow the precautionary step, Prevention is better than cure this rule implies everywhere”.
Sitting on the cart, Finally camel was in front of me and I could see his back side with a vertical hanging small sign of exclamation, which we call Tail of the Camel, this was the last thing I had dreamt off that day, but what to do then suffice the situation with a Butt.

Suddenly a loud scream from the wife, WO Raha Wo Raha OONT ( There is the Camels). Me and driver of the Cart got scared, what happened to her. She was more lucky than me, she had the first sight of Camels.
This was the moment for which I had faced this scorching heat, it was the moment to be enjoyed. How else I could enjoy that moment, for any photographer sound of shutter speed is the best music he likes to hear, there shouldn’t be any lag in it or slow motion, as sharp and smooth it is its the best, mingling in the air giving the best beats of symphony.
Mr.Owner of the herd was bathing in the same water which his army of Camels was drinking, this is where I told my wife a brief introduction to the concept of Save Water, “Traditionally in Arab countries people who owned camels used to bath in a big tub type vessel, sitting in same water and using the same water to clean themselves which was passed on to Camels to relieve themselves of their thirst for water, same concept was used in Rajasthan too sometime back and may be still in some areas, though this man was standing outside the water pool here”.
Enjoying the moment, for some five ten minutes I kept on clicking, feeling joyed that finally the location has been found and I could count the best of moments the next day, as it was becoming mandatory to leave otherwise wife would have gone “Pran Pakheru (Fainted)” in the desert of Pushkar.
Took the pledge by holding the sand in my palm, that I would be back tomorrow morning earlier than anybody, atleast I had to beat the Sun who would never be late to give his warm hug, which was unbearable for me. Saying bye bye to camels and the desert with a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness, I left from the scene, but would be back soon.
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