- First View of Amazing Thailand… View from my room at Ramada Plaza Menam, Bangkok
Traveling, Exploring new places, looking into new places and cultures of people entered into my life as passion which turned into almost a profession of me. It’s been more than a year now that i have been traveling and jotting down my stories via this great medium of era. Have traveled almost every state of India, but that dream which i would say is not only of mine but possibly of any one who loves traveling or not, that’s touching the International borders or can say visiting some foreign country.<!–more–>
This dream was becoming reality now, 24th july 2014 was the day which was about to enter into “Most Memorable Dates Of My Life”, and thanks to Thailand Tourism and Thai Airways who were the “Sutradhar” (Host) of my this Amazing Thailand trip.
Well things were not that easy the way it seems in these above two short paragraphs, and why would it be like a piece of cake that too for a person who din’t even had a passport and was planning to go to Amazing Thailand. This was the main hurdle which was coming in my way of maiden trip to foreign land. Thankfully Thailand Tourism had sent me invitation atleast a month before the tour was going to start and that was more than enough for me to arrange a passport for me, or to be precise i took the route of getting a “Tatkal Passport Seva” ( A speedy passport service issuing passport in less than 5 days).
Thankfully Passport was ready on time and the day was nearing, tension was also rising which was obvious as i was traveling to some other country for first time and before that had to go through some major and mandatory steps like immigration and customs. God had planned something else for this Gaur, i am still puzzled and surprised why i was in that “Random List” of Thai Airways.
“Random List is the list of names of passengers, around 10-15 out of 300 odd passengers traveling, and you don’t have to think so much it is not generated manually, computer picks the name on his own and we just interview them and ask some questions like, why you are going? How much cash you are carrying?” told the custom officer to me who had interviewed me and had wished me Happy Journey too on completing the task successfully.
He was happy to see that my all paper work was perfect and i had answered all questions confidently. From the paper work i mean to say “I had carried the bill of foreign exchange which i was carrying and its advisable to carry”, to be exact it is mandatory to carry minimum $500 or equivalent amount in Thai Baht, as it is one of the main requirements to get “Visa On Arrival” for which i was going for, so i had carried extra 1200 Thai Baht as fee for Visa on Arrival.
Atlast all the hurdles were over, i was sitting in the lounge area of airport and time was very near when i would be flying to Amazing Thailand, i would be touching the international borders for first time. Feeling was something which i wont be able to express exactly in my words, but still would be trying my best.
So here starts the “Amazing Thailand Diaries” , many more about my Bangkok and Hua Hin tour would be coming.
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