When was the last time you bought something or got a gift from somebody and had to wait for that to be opened for atleast 10 days. Ever gone through this pain, if yes then you can understand the pain of mine which I was facing from last 15 days or so. Some 15 days back Asus gifted me their yet to be launched Asus Zenfone Max, and as written it was yet to be launched so it came in a numbered lock box which was to be opened on 23rd of May 2016 only, they were going to provide the 3 digit key that day only. It was really a tough test of patience specially when anyone came at my place and saw this pandora box, and came up with a different idea to open it. Read More
Category: Reviews

Asus Zenfone Zoom | Photographers Choice | Slim And Smart | Review
“Like Humans go through an ever evolving process, so does the acts of them and technology is one of those acts”
Many have said this before and I too believe on that “Like Humans go through an ever evolving process, so does the acts of them and technology is one of those acts”. This year Asus has proved this point by taking the first step towards that evolving process and the result is their new phone, Asus Zenfone Zoom, launched on the 22nd of this month in Agra – City of Love. Read More

First Impressions of My New Tablet | ASUS Zenpad 7.0 | Review
Year was going to end, 2015 had reached in its last week and it was the Happy Happy Christmas time. Gifts and decoration was in the air, everybody was talking of Christmas gift and why would I keep myself aloof from this Everybody group.
This year Christmas was going to be special for me, my gift was on the way Thanks to ASUS who were going to send me their newly launched Asus Zenpad 7.0, for the first time courier guy seemed to more important than anybody else. Read More
Pizza Hut | Some Words From A Disappointed Fan
To Anybody who is going through this Article , i would like to confess them that i had been a great fan of Pizza hut , and i am equally stunned and sad while writing this blog but still i am going to put my experience in front of all , and i wish this would be my last Negative Review of any place or restaurant of which i have been fan or not a fan. Read More
UnderDoggs , Ambience Mall | Romantic Moments In Best Of Sports Bar
The title might be very appealing but, I would admit at the starting only, this piece of writing is a blend of Emotions and caringness with a tinch of desire to do something new, trying to do something different and making it perfect is what matters most at the end of any journey you start and the same thing was done by my cousin with the help of Underdoggs : Sports Bar. Its short story how he tried and won the battle of ” How To surprise your wife on her Bday “ and ” How to keep Your Wife Happy “ Read More