To Anybody who is going through this Article , i would like to confess them that i had been a great fan of Pizza hut , and i am equally stunned and sad while writing this blog but still i am going to put my experience in front of all , and i wish this would be my last Negative Review of any place or restaurant of which i have been fan or not a fan.
One fine day , full of shopping and going through good moments whole day , spending best of time in one of best of malls of New Delhi i.e Select City Walk , what bad i had done that day which made me eligible to get the worst of ending of the day in near past. Any body would do the same like me , when choosing a Dinner place of which you are sure that they are going to give the best , would prefer to go to that place of which he has been a fan or has experienced their hospitality in the past.
I chose to end my day , having my favourite Pizza at my favourite restaurant who has been known world wide for there Pizza’s i.e Pizza Hut. Past months had been quite busy in traveling and i had very rare moments where i could go out and enjoy the dinner with my spouse , and finally it was the moment for us , but i never knew it would end up like this.
Me and my wife ordered are regular choices which we like the most , 2 drinks one plate of spicy garlic bread and spicy veggie pizza and one new item was added into it Veg Birizza which has been launched recently by Pizza hut and we both wanted to try it.

The odd things started to happen very soon , while placing my order i had told them my preference that i would like to get Drinks and Garlic bread first , followed by ” Birizza “ and in the end bring Pizza , even the attendant had repeated it in same order and preference.
But the order came in all together different style , first came drinks and water both together , though i had asked for water the moment i had taken the seat. Anyways , then one more surprise for me , Pizza and Garlic bread came together or if be too too exact both came in difference of hardly 30 seconds to 1 minute i am sure , though they had followed my preference this time Garlic bread before Pizza , but this time gap hardly makes any difference.
I asked the attendant , ” I wanted Birizza first and then Pizza , he said Sir Birizza takes 20 minutes to cook and Pizza 10 minutes “ he told me this and left like he wanted me to adjust to the situation and make my taste buds also to understand the need of the hour. Wow , what was the use of telling them my preference i still can’t understand.
It was long time after which i was coming to Pizza Hut , and Pizza was bit different in taste , Spicy Veggie and Exotica are favourite of Pizza’s of any vegetarian who visit Pizza Hut and i am sure our tongue is able to recognize the difference if there is any , and same was happening with me. I could feel it that its not the same Spicy Veggie , but was bit confused may be it has been a long time which is making me feel like this , but one odd thing was surely there , it was not that soft which it used to be.
Well here comes the biggest blunder , committed by Pizza Hut that day.

It was the biggest disappointment of the day , ” Spicy Garlic Bread “ , was a big fan of it and still i am but yes that day it was all together a different garlic bread which was served to me. Too Crunchy , Taste less and burnt or can say over baked a lot. Out of four pieces of the plate i ate one , and kept on asking my wife , Is it the same which we always take?. She also was confused , but the limit crossed in the next piece which my wife was almost going to eat.

This was the last piece , which is the main reason of this whole long story. Does from any angle it looks like a Garlic Bread of Pizza Hut , who is known for serving the one of the best of them world over. No way , atleast to me it is not , it was a shock for me.
Straight away i called the attendant and showed him this , what option he had then ” Sorry Sir I will Replace it “.
Suggestion to Pizza Hut : Thank you Pizza Hut staff for replacing that worst ever Garlic Bread served to me , but i would like to admit this , in those ten minutes which you took to bake another plate for me , which was the perfect like every time, i was now more cautious while having it and it took me the maximum time ever to finish that specific garlic bread plate. I hope you are getting my point ” Making Customer More Cautious Is More Dangerous “ , you gave me a loop hole and i would more cautious now and which automatically makes me or any body to test you. In those ten minutes , the only which we talked was about your services ” Like Serving Glass of Water late and that too in pepsi thermocol glasses” , its good you are promoting your own brand , but those glasses doesn’t fit into the Ambience of your restaurant.
Well , it all ended very badly , or it had reached almost to the end , when i asked the billing guy ” Have You Changed The Recipe Of Pizza ? , It Tasted Quite Different Today “. His explanation was quite lame to understand , ” Sir there is less of staff today , some hasn’t showed up “ , i don’t know what type of excuse that was. Was he trying to tell me that the Pizza and Garlic bread were cooked by door men not the actual cook. This type of answer or excuse was least expected from the staff of world renown chain of Pizza restaurant. Last suggestion , Try to atleast train them in giving excuses as well.
I Apologize to Pizza Hut and to all Fans , for this negative review , may be you can understand how a FAN feels when he goes through these type of incidents , and that too from whom you never expected.
I have been a Fan of Pizza Hut and always be , but yes that day was the most disappointing day for a fan.
All The Best Pizza Hut.